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Crowns and Bridges in Beverly Hills, CA

Do you or a loved one have missing teeth that you want to be replaced? Do you want to recover your beautiful smile and reverse the effects of oral damage? If so, S&C Dental Beverly Hills offers an array of crowns and bridges for Beverly Hills, CA patients. Our solutions fill gaps left by missing teeth and restore smiles to a like-new condition. Our mission is to recover your oral health, confidence, and happiness. You don’t have to live with an imperfect smile. Our team will help you choose a solution that attains a full and shining smile that you’ll be proud to show off.

Close-up of a happy young couple

What Do Crowns and Bridges Do?

Cosmetic crowns and bridges look and feel like natural teeth. They are a prosthetic implemented into a patient’s mouth to fill gaps left by missing teeth and improve the smile’s overall appearance. We carefully fit and place crowns and bridges and shape them to blend with natural teeth, ensuring they never draw attention. Crowns are fitted and placed over damaged or unsightly teeth and can also cover implants. Bridges are life-like models of natural teeth used to fill gaps. Filling tooth gaps fulfill cosmetic and health purposes, as it will prevent natural teeth from moving out of place. Our dentist may recommend a crown or bridge to you for the following reasons:

  • Preventing a weak or damaged tooth from completely breaking.
  • Restoring a fractured tooth’s appearance and function.
  • Keep a dental implant covered, so it doesn’t interfere with your smile.
  • Whitening your teeth and covering a discolored or oddly shaped tooth.
  • Protecting a tooth after a root canal.
  • Filling tooth gaps.

How to Care for Your Crown or Bridge

Choosing a crown or bridge is an excellent way to restore your smile but caring for it properly after you leave the dentist’s office is essential. Doing so will help them last a long time and maintain their quality for years. After a crown or bridge placement, practice good oral health and hygiene, such as brushing and flossing daily and going to the dentist regularly. Abstain from eating hard foods or putting excessive pressure on the crown or bridge for a dentist-recommended period. If you have any questions, our team will happily answer them and provide you with the tips and recommendations you need.

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