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All-On-4® in Beverly Hills, CA

Dental implants are suitable for many patients but not for all. If you need to replace missing upper or lower teeth with something other than implants, please feel free to schedule a consultation with S&C Dental Beverly Hills and learn more about All-On-4® in Beverly Hills, CA. Patients love this solution because it is simple to implement and fits well within many budget types. You can receive complete tooth restoration without breaking the bank. Our team stays constantly updated on the latest developments, trends, and innovations within dentistry. You can feel confident knowing that we will recommend the best oral health care options for you.

girl looking at her teeth after dental cleaning in Beverly Hills CA

What Is the All-On-4® Solution?

This innovative and increasingly popular solution is designed to completely replace entire rows of teeth and restore smiles. It is a permanent device secured tightly yet comfortably in place by screws. If you want a bright, natural-looking solution completed in one visit, then the All-in-4® may be right for you.

Why Should I Consider All-On-4®?

The All-On-4® solution is best suited for patients with all their teeth missing. Many patients choose this solution after undergoing significant tooth loss and major extraction procedures. We recommend considering All-On-4® treatments if you want:

A Complete Solution

All-On-4® is perfect for patients who’ve suffered from losing all their teeth.

A Long Lifespan

If adequately cared for and maintained, All-On-4® can last between 20 and 25 years.


No more bone augmentation procedures, multiple dental visits, or complex restorations that suck up time, money, and energy.


A standard application can be completed in a single visit.

A Natural Look and Feel

All-On-4® look and feel like your natural teeth. They allow you to chew, talk, and smile as if all your teeth are genuine.

Is All-On-4® Right for Me?

As mentioned, this solution is ideal for patients who’ve lost all their teeth or experienced irreparable damage. A qualified candidate may have many missing teeth or be preparing for an extraction procedure. If you have or anticipate any of these circumstances, we will consult you on your options. Our friendly, honest team will guide you through the process and ensure you have all the information needed to make the best choices for your oral health.

Premium Dental Care
Solutions for the Entire