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Family Dentistry in Beverly Hills, CA

Smiling Woman at Dental Office with Dog in Beverly Hills CA 

Receive Top-Quality Family Dentistry

Take you and your family’s dental care to the next level by reaching out to our practice’s trusted and compassionate professionals. We are proud of our reputation for providing the latest solutions and ensuring our patients receive the most from oral health care. Our mission is to give you the bright, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted while making sure your family’s oral health is in top condition throughout your lives.

Dependable Dental Care for All Individuals

S&C Dental Beverly Hills provides a wide range of cosmetic, emergency, and family dentistry services for Beverly Hills, CA patients. Our office is equipped to serve adults, children, and seniors throughout their lives, ensuring they have a healthy, beautiful smile always. Whether you’re bringing your child in for their first exam or wanting to rejuvenate your teeth after years of use, we are most suited to fulfill your needs. We offer our services from one practice and make our patients feel comfortable and genuinely cared for throughout their time with us. We continually expand our skillsets and stay updated on the latest dental technology and trends, ensuring patients receive the best oral health care.

S&C Dental Beverly Hills Team

Contact Us

Comprehensive Services for Patients

Our professionals have the knowledge, technology, and skillsets necessary to bring your ideal smile to life, regardless of your needs. How do we achieve this? By understanding that every patient is different. Each has a unique oral health problem that we can solve. We fulfill dental desires by customizing each service, so each patient receives the best care. Our full range of family, cosmetic, and emergency services cover every aspect of dentistry and keep our patients’ smiles in optimal condition at each stage of their lives. We will offer superior pre-care and after-care, ensuring a fantastic patient journey from beginning to end.

Contact Us Today

9400 Brighton Way, Suite 410
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

9400 Brighton Way suite 410, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA